Friday, June 10, 2011

My Time at Back Bay

                   My Time at Back Bay
I began coming to Back Bay High School the second or third week of September. I transferred from Edison I first came here to only make up fifteen or so credits. But the only reason I really decided to go here was because I knew a few people. My first day here was a little interesting I didn’t talk much but I did meet a group of girls that seemed to be a lot like me. My teachers were very different from all my other teachers at my other schools. These teachers seemed to connect a lot with the student not only that but they also seemed to care about us and how we were doing and the reasons we ended up at this school.

At Back Bay I realized that there are all kinds of people that come from all different places. But for once in my life I started to like high school. Not only because my teachers were so cool but also because all the students seemed to get along with each other and we all connected someway or another. Also yes we were all at this school but not for once you should think that any of us have the same story. All our stories are different and we all have different reasons we ended up here.

As I’ve mentioned before the teacher here are so much different from all the other ones at every other school. There is something special about them that it’s so hard to explain. If someone asked me who my favorite teacher is I would never be able to give you one answer. I love every single one of them for different reasons. But I would have to say Mr. Kovac, Mr. Lamar, Ms. Moore, Mr. Harrison, and Ms. Christopher made the biggest change since in he since I’ve been here. I think it’s because they were my first teachers I had here and they opened my eyes to so many new things and made me realize what I really wanted to do with high school.

Even though this is my first year at Back Bay I’m really going to miss all of the teachers and students. I think out of all my years in high school this one has been the best one. I love Back Bay for so many reasons but I think it’s an excellent school because all the work is done at school and you don’t have to worry about homework. The only thing I don’t like about this school is that there aren’t any dances but other then that it’s my favorite school out of all the ones I’ve been to.  These teachers aren’t just our teachers but we have grown so close to them that they are like our friends.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Summer 2011

                My Summer 2011
During my summer break this year one of the things I plan on doing is start working more. Even though I have a job already I don’t really like it. I’ve been applying to different places and I already have a job interview at Tilly’s and El Matador for the week I get out of school. I’m hoping one of those interviews goes well so I can soon have another job and make more money. A big part of my summer this year will revolve around work.  But that’s not the only thing I plan on doing this summer.

This summer I’m praying that it will be hot because my boyfriend and I are planning on going to Palm Spring with his family. The reason I really want to go to Palm Springs is because I’ve never been there before and neither has he. We plan on taking our minds off of work and just relax and lay by the pool and get a nice tan. We also are planning on getting nice massages and just hang out with the family and have fun. Once we come back we will probably be at the beach everyday we don’t work or by the pool.

I think this summer is going to be a very crazy summer especially for me because I plan on traveling, working, and most importantly do summer school. During summer school I am going to take economics so I could graduate in December when we get back to school. Even though summer school is only about three weeks long that’s not the only school I’ll be doing. I’m also signed up to take an ROP class about animal health. Including that class I will be doing an internship with them for an animal hospital so that should be very interesting and fun.

Most importantly this summer I will be spending a lot of time with my boyfriend and my family. Like I’ve mentioned before I will be going to Palm Springs with my boyfriend and his family. But that’s not the only way we will be spending time together we also plan on taking a few road trips and go to the beach. One of my favorite things about summer time is being able to spend time with family I plan on also going with my mom to San Francisco to visit her friend that just moved down there. I’m defiantly looking forward to that since I love San Fran. This summer is going to probably be the best summer of my high school years. I am very excited and anxious for it to already come.

Monday, June 6, 2011


Missing Puppy
$150 Cash Reward


If found please contact me. She is the most important thing I own.
Contact Info:
Melody Bottazzi (714)222-2222

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Fast Five

 This action movie works because it builds suspense right up till the end. "If you’re gonna survive, stop thinking like a cop. You’re in my world now." This famous quote in the movie is said by Vin Diesel(Dominic). I believe this quote is a very important part of the movie because it pretty much says that thinking like a cop limits your thinking and/or options. Also if you think like a cop your will probably end up getting caught by one.
 Fast Five is an action film filled with street racing directed by Justin Lin. This series was created in 2001 ever since it has been followed by four sequels and two short films that tie into the series. The difference in this movie is that the crew goes to Brazil to do their missions. 
 The action in this movie was very              suspenseful. One scene specifically was 
when they were stealing the cars from the train and Dominic and Brian get caught when the girl takes the car to the wrong place but they always seem to be able to get away from everything. The suspense in the movie was awesome because it just keeps building up till the very end.The actors in this movie don't seem like they are just doing this to get payed unlike other movies but just like the director Justin Lin says. "I have to be honest: I'm not a big car guy. At the core, Fast and Furious is about family and how to create them." The actors seem to be great at working together like a family. Not only are the main charters in this movie close but everyone in the movie seems to bond someway or another to each other. The car action was also great and all the racing. The cars seemed to not only be fast but look really good. The way they were able to drive them and  just control them on the streets made it that much better.