Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Summer 2011

                My Summer 2011
During my summer break this year one of the things I plan on doing is start working more. Even though I have a job already I don’t really like it. I’ve been applying to different places and I already have a job interview at Tilly’s and El Matador for the week I get out of school. I’m hoping one of those interviews goes well so I can soon have another job and make more money. A big part of my summer this year will revolve around work.  But that’s not the only thing I plan on doing this summer.

This summer I’m praying that it will be hot because my boyfriend and I are planning on going to Palm Spring with his family. The reason I really want to go to Palm Springs is because I’ve never been there before and neither has he. We plan on taking our minds off of work and just relax and lay by the pool and get a nice tan. We also are planning on getting nice massages and just hang out with the family and have fun. Once we come back we will probably be at the beach everyday we don’t work or by the pool.

I think this summer is going to be a very crazy summer especially for me because I plan on traveling, working, and most importantly do summer school. During summer school I am going to take economics so I could graduate in December when we get back to school. Even though summer school is only about three weeks long that’s not the only school I’ll be doing. I’m also signed up to take an ROP class about animal health. Including that class I will be doing an internship with them for an animal hospital so that should be very interesting and fun.

Most importantly this summer I will be spending a lot of time with my boyfriend and my family. Like I’ve mentioned before I will be going to Palm Springs with my boyfriend and his family. But that’s not the only way we will be spending time together we also plan on taking a few road trips and go to the beach. One of my favorite things about summer time is being able to spend time with family I plan on also going with my mom to San Francisco to visit her friend that just moved down there. I’m defiantly looking forward to that since I love San Fran. This summer is going to probably be the best summer of my high school years. I am very excited and anxious for it to already come.

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