Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Compare/Contrast- Get Him with the Greek

In the website rogerebert.com Roger Ebert talks about the movie Get Him to the Greek. This movies about two guys Russell Brand and Jonah Hill and how their friendship works. Hill's character is required be cool and nice to Brand but he's desperately trying to do the right thing. Russell Brand is a rock star, self-destructive, smarter than he seems, and he is also excellent at controlling others. Get Him to the Greek is a great comedy and Roger Ebert seems to think so too. When Brand's character has reveals his true rock and roll roots. He can party at top speed and send Aldous onstage at the Greek, despite a bleeding wound from a jump from a rooftop. Even though this movie is a hilarious comedy it's not the best movie to watch with the whole family since it does have some gross-out comedy that grows, offensive language, drugs, its partying, and its animal behavior. Roger Ebert and I have many of the same views about this movie. The only thing is that he does not mention that this movie is a little over the top, as in it is pretty gross and has a lot of drugs and sex. Even though this movie is crazy and all over the place it's still one of my favorite movies since it has none stop cheap laughs.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Haven't Met You Yet

The song Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Buble is one of my favorite songs for many reasons. First of all I love all of Michael Buble's music. His music has a lot of meaning behind it. For example the song I picked he wrote for his wife and that's why she is the girl in the video with him. Michael not only is a good singer, but he seems like a great person also. Another reason why I like this song is because unlike a lot of singers now a days you can actually understand what he is saying, and there is meaning behind all his songs. I would have to say that Michael Buble is one of my favorite artists and I would recommend everyone to listen to his music.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Dream School

If could attend any school that I wanted and if money, grades and admissions tests were not a consideration. I would still want to attend Point Loma Nazarene University. There are many reasons why I would love to attend this school. Not only am I interested in it because it's a Christian school  but also because it has everything I desire in a school. 

Point Loma is located in San Diego and that's somewhere i totally see myself living. This would be my dream school because it has Criminal Justice which is the major I've been wanting to study all my life. That's not the only reason Point Loma also has a great women's soccer team that I'm very interested being a part of. This school also seems to have many campus activities which I know I would get involved in.  
I can see myself becoming very comfortable with this school because the people there seem to have the same believes as me. By going to a school where pretty much everyone there has the same faith as I do makes it that much easier for me to feel at home. Point Loma University has also a private beach of their own and since I love being at the beach it also makes it more of my dream school. There are many reasons that I would want to attend this school but most of all it's because I can totally see this University becoming my second home. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My 5 Year Plan

At the moment I am a junior at Back Bay High School. Unlike every other junior out there I will be graduating in December of this year. During my few months left in high school I am planning on taking ROP classes to become a dental assistant. While I'm doing this I also will be working and interring at the police station. With the money I make working I will be saving up to buy a car and pay for college, during that time I'll also be filling out scholarships. 

After graduating I will be flying out to Argentina for about three or four months to visit my family and go to school to work on my spanish. Once I get back from Argentina I plan on attending Irvine Valley College  and doing my general ed and taking Criminal Justice classes. I also plan on being able to make their soccer team. While going to college and playing soccer I also plan to hopefully be working as a dental assistant. I will be having up money to hopefully move out after graduation. 

Once I am finished with my general ed and get an AA degree in business. I plan on attending Point Loma University in San Diego to keep studying Criminal Justice. I'll probably be living with a friend or two by the beautiful beach in San Diego. While attending Point Loma I will be working in a dental office and also will be playing soccer for the schools team. 

During my second year at Point Loma I plan to still work hard on what I'm studying and not fail a class. I also plan to be still dating my boyfriend and hopefully by this time be engaged to him. Even though I am not planing on getting married way before I get my Bachelors degree it would be nice to know that he is there to support me every step of the way. By both of us working hard and studying we will save up money to buy a beautiful home and have enough money to spoil our future children.

Five years from now I plan on being engaged and working hard to save money to have the future I've always dreamed about. In five years I won't be done with my Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice but I will be more then half way close to it. By this time I will be planning my wedding and still be working as a dental assistant. I also am hoping that I still be playing soccer and I plan to travel to Greece with my wonderful fiance. Also we will be very excited and looking forward to our future together.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Letter Of Recommendation

April 1, 2011

Mr. Walske
Computer Teacher
Back Bay High School
390 Monte Vista Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Dear Mr. Walske;

 Melody Bottazzi is someone I’ve personally known for years. She asked me to write a letter of recommendation since she is very interested in your scholarship. She attends Back Bay High School and will be graduating early. Melody is one of the best students at her school she has straight A’s and is involved in many campus activities. She is not only involved with school activities and cares a lot about her classmates but she is also captain of her soccer team, has been dancing for over eleven years, and regularly attends church.

Melody is one of the sweetest people I know she always helps those in need and always thinks about others before herself. She is someone that will never give up and succeeds all her goals. Melody is a very hard working young lady that has great plans for the future and without a doubt will succeed in whatever she sets her mind to. I know she would be the perfect person to grant your scholarship to because she has her mindset and knows what she wants for her future. Not only that but Melody will never give up.

Melody also has an awesome support system at home and around her all the time. Her parents support her every step of the way. They are also very proud of all her accomplishments, and she has a huge heart for others. She has helped out her friends through hard times and she has also been through many difficult times but she believes that life is about learning from your past and looking forward to the future.  For all these reasons and many more I hope you see why Melody Bottazzi would be the best choice for the scholarship.


Melody Bottazzi