Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Dream School

If could attend any school that I wanted and if money, grades and admissions tests were not a consideration. I would still want to attend Point Loma Nazarene University. There are many reasons why I would love to attend this school. Not only am I interested in it because it's a Christian school  but also because it has everything I desire in a school. 

Point Loma is located in San Diego and that's somewhere i totally see myself living. This would be my dream school because it has Criminal Justice which is the major I've been wanting to study all my life. That's not the only reason Point Loma also has a great women's soccer team that I'm very interested being a part of. This school also seems to have many campus activities which I know I would get involved in.  
I can see myself becoming very comfortable with this school because the people there seem to have the same believes as me. By going to a school where pretty much everyone there has the same faith as I do makes it that much easier for me to feel at home. Point Loma University has also a private beach of their own and since I love being at the beach it also makes it more of my dream school. There are many reasons that I would want to attend this school but most of all it's because I can totally see this University becoming my second home. 

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