Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My 5 Year Plan

At the moment I am a junior at Back Bay High School. Unlike every other junior out there I will be graduating in December of this year. During my few months left in high school I am planning on taking ROP classes to become a dental assistant. While I'm doing this I also will be working and interring at the police station. With the money I make working I will be saving up to buy a car and pay for college, during that time I'll also be filling out scholarships. 

After graduating I will be flying out to Argentina for about three or four months to visit my family and go to school to work on my spanish. Once I get back from Argentina I plan on attending Irvine Valley College  and doing my general ed and taking Criminal Justice classes. I also plan on being able to make their soccer team. While going to college and playing soccer I also plan to hopefully be working as a dental assistant. I will be having up money to hopefully move out after graduation. 

Once I am finished with my general ed and get an AA degree in business. I plan on attending Point Loma University in San Diego to keep studying Criminal Justice. I'll probably be living with a friend or two by the beautiful beach in San Diego. While attending Point Loma I will be working in a dental office and also will be playing soccer for the schools team. 

During my second year at Point Loma I plan to still work hard on what I'm studying and not fail a class. I also plan to be still dating my boyfriend and hopefully by this time be engaged to him. Even though I am not planing on getting married way before I get my Bachelors degree it would be nice to know that he is there to support me every step of the way. By both of us working hard and studying we will save up money to buy a beautiful home and have enough money to spoil our future children.

Five years from now I plan on being engaged and working hard to save money to have the future I've always dreamed about. In five years I won't be done with my Bachelors degree in Criminal Justice but I will be more then half way close to it. By this time I will be planning my wedding and still be working as a dental assistant. I also am hoping that I still be playing soccer and I plan to travel to Greece with my wonderful fiance. Also we will be very excited and looking forward to our future together.


  1. Aw, so dumbfounded. Haven't you heard, relationships don't last.

    haha just kidding <3 good luck with that girrl.
