Monday, April 4, 2011

Letter Of Recommendation

April 1, 2011

Mr. Walske
Computer Teacher
Back Bay High School
390 Monte Vista Ave
Costa Mesa, CA 92627

Dear Mr. Walske;

 Melody Bottazzi is someone I’ve personally known for years. She asked me to write a letter of recommendation since she is very interested in your scholarship. She attends Back Bay High School and will be graduating early. Melody is one of the best students at her school she has straight A’s and is involved in many campus activities. She is not only involved with school activities and cares a lot about her classmates but she is also captain of her soccer team, has been dancing for over eleven years, and regularly attends church.

Melody is one of the sweetest people I know she always helps those in need and always thinks about others before herself. She is someone that will never give up and succeeds all her goals. Melody is a very hard working young lady that has great plans for the future and without a doubt will succeed in whatever she sets her mind to. I know she would be the perfect person to grant your scholarship to because she has her mindset and knows what she wants for her future. Not only that but Melody will never give up.

Melody also has an awesome support system at home and around her all the time. Her parents support her every step of the way. They are also very proud of all her accomplishments, and she has a huge heart for others. She has helped out her friends through hard times and she has also been through many difficult times but she believes that life is about learning from your past and looking forward to the future.  For all these reasons and many more I hope you see why Melody Bottazzi would be the best choice for the scholarship.


Melody Bottazzi


  1. It sounds a little sugar coated. Well, I'm going to review some more letters and I'll give you a call if I want to offer you this great opportunity. Thanks for your time Ms. Bottazzi!

    Justin Bieber

  2. Thank you Mr. Bieber for your time. Hope you like what I have to offer. Hope to hear from you soon. Have an amazing day!

    Melody Bottazzi

  3. Me and Selena just broke up, can you come over? We can have your interview and chat some more? now that I have more free time...

  4. I'm in Paris right now, should i send my yacht to pick you up after dropping her off?

  5. yea sounds good let me just have my people contact your people to let them know where to have the yacht pick me up from(:
